mandag den 25. november 2013

Rotate + time extra

Thats just for making it to rotate over time from 0 and in timeline 0


This if for makeing it start from a value and then adding a time offset


Getting world space coordinates - Comp space - Comp Coordinate

Lets call this one.... Beam Glue

Have been looking for this Expression for a long time, but finaly i found it.
This one is for linking stuff together, that is allready parented fx Beam Between 2 Nulls

//Video copilote

lay = (pickwhip the child null layer) ;
pos = lay.toWorld( lay.anchorPoint);

And another one (with extra control)


lay = thisComp.layer("Parent NULL")

//Dan Ebberts

L = thisComp.layer("Solid 1");
P = L.toWorld(L.anchorPoint);
Where P[0] =x,P[1] =y, and P[2] =z

torsdag den 26. september 2013

mandag den 25. februar 2013

One-sided layers

//found on :
Apply this expression to the opacity attribute and it'll disappear 
whenever it's flipped away from the camera. You need to have an active 
camera in your composition for this one to work.
a = toWorldVec([0,0,1]);
b = thisComp.activeCamera.position - toWorld(anchorPoint);
c = dot(a,b)/length(b);
if (c > 0) 0 else value

Bouncy Scale In

 //found on :

Apply this expression to the 'scale' parameter of your layer.

k=100; // final scale
a=5; // how quickly the bounce ends
b=20; // how many bounces it'll do (that is, the bounce speed)
AE POSTWORK blog is virtually just a notepad, where I put all the AE expressions up I finde and use, its so I can easily get to them wherever I am and no matter what computer I sit at. I do not write my own expressions, so all expressions on the page is downloaded from the web,or modify versions i found. and tutorials etc.. I will try to credit those who have made expressions if I can.

Now, with tips and tricks for AE & C4D.
No more forgetting the little tricks and tips I found on my road with After Effects, etc.
