tirsdag den 31. maj 2011

AE - Inverting Values


...just multiply it by -1

thisComp.layer("target Layer").transform.position*(-1)

fredag den 27. maj 2011

AE - CoverFlow

//ngambles- on VideoCoPilot

Create a new null object
Call it "Controls"
Make it a 3D layer
Create a new camera
Parent the camera to the "Controls" null object
Add all your CD Covers to the Scene as 3D layers
Position the CD Covers along the x axis as needed
Add two slider expression controls to the "Controls" null object

named one Transition Distance
named the other Rotation Space

Applie the expressions below to the position and Y rotation of the CD Cover layers
Now move the null object along the x axis and the CD Covers will rotate like you see in Cover Flow.
Done !

--The Expressions are here:
--in the Y Rotation of each CD Cover:

dist = thisComp.layer("Controls").effect("Transition Distance")("Slider");
cPos = thisComp.layer("Controls").position;
delta = cPos[0] - position[0];

ease(delta, -1 * dist , dist, 90, -90)

--In the Position of each CD Cover:

move = thisComp.layer("Controls").effect("Rotation Space")("Slider");
dist = thisComp.layer("Controls").effect("Transition Distance")("Slider");
cPos = thisComp.layer("Controls").position;
delta = cPos[0] - position[0];

p1 = value + [move , 0,0];
p2 = value + [-1* move, 0,0];

ease(delta, -1 * dist , dist, p1, p2)

--In the opacity of each CD Cover:

dist = thisComp.layer("Controls").effect("Transition Distance")("Slider");
cPos = thisComp.layer("Controls").position;
delta = cPos[0] - position[0];
delta = Math.abs(delta);
dist = dist * 3;

ease(delta,0 ,dist, 100, 0)

AE - POSITION How to offset a series of layers using the same trigger

//ngambles- on VideoCoPilot

(pickwhip source value).valueAtTime(time - 1);

--This will get you a one second delay.

(pickwhip source value).valueAtTime(time - thisComp.frameDuration);

--This will get you a two second delay.

(pickwhip source value).valueAtTime(time -2+(thisComp.frameDuration));

--This will get you a one frame delay.
--If you have many layers that will be delayed it may be helpful
to use the 'index' value of each layer:

(pickwhip source value).valueAtTime(time - index * thisComp.frameDuration);

--Each layer will be delayed by one more frame as you move down the layer stack because the index value will be increasing by one each time.

AE - wiggle ONLY positive values

//ngambles- on VideoCoPilot


AE- WIGGLE - Both X and Y dimensions of same value, and separat.

//ngambles- on VideoCoPilot

wig = wiggle(.2,300);


wig1 = wiggle(.2,4);
wig2 = wiggle(6,2);

AE - maxScale and miniScale for layer driven by sound

AE - SCALE maxScale and miniScale for layer driven by sound
Convert music to keyframes with "Keyframe assistent"

//ngambles- on VideoCoPilot

maxScale = 100;
minScale = 50;

val = thisComp.layer("Audio Amplitude").effect("Right Channel")("Slider");
val = Math.min(maxScale,val);
val = Math.max(minScale,val);

AE POSTWORK blog is virtually just a notepad, where I put all the AE expressions up I finde and use, its so I can easily get to them wherever I am and no matter what computer I sit at. I do not write my own expressions, so all expressions on the page is downloaded from the web,or modify versions i found. and tutorials etc.. I will try to credit those who have made expressions if I can.

Now, with tips and tricks for AE & C4D.
No more forgetting the little tricks and tips I found on my road with After Effects, etc.
