mandag den 17. oktober 2011

C4D - Material Selection

On fx. Extruded NURBS, you can apply materials to different parts of the objekt, with out make custom selections. In the selection of the material just apply this names.

C1/C2 = Front Caps - Back Caps
R1/R2 = Front fillet - Back Fillet (the Bevel)

Remember : One material to each selection :-)

onsdag den 1. juni 2011

AE - making 3d In after Effects

When you making 3d in after effects,and making boxes/curvs exc.
somtimes the shapes that are meeting up, dosent look solid when they are animated.

to avoid this, go to the "blend mode" tab, and set it to Alpha Add,
and now you should be fine.

thanks M. kühl !! :-P

tirsdag den 31. maj 2011

AE - Inverting Values


...just multiply it by -1

thisComp.layer("target Layer").transform.position*(-1)

fredag den 27. maj 2011

AE - CoverFlow

//ngambles- on VideoCoPilot

Create a new null object
Call it "Controls"
Make it a 3D layer
Create a new camera
Parent the camera to the "Controls" null object
Add all your CD Covers to the Scene as 3D layers
Position the CD Covers along the x axis as needed
Add two slider expression controls to the "Controls" null object

named one Transition Distance
named the other Rotation Space

Applie the expressions below to the position and Y rotation of the CD Cover layers
Now move the null object along the x axis and the CD Covers will rotate like you see in Cover Flow.
Done !

--The Expressions are here:
--in the Y Rotation of each CD Cover:

dist = thisComp.layer("Controls").effect("Transition Distance")("Slider");
cPos = thisComp.layer("Controls").position;
delta = cPos[0] - position[0];

ease(delta, -1 * dist , dist, 90, -90)

--In the Position of each CD Cover:

move = thisComp.layer("Controls").effect("Rotation Space")("Slider");
dist = thisComp.layer("Controls").effect("Transition Distance")("Slider");
cPos = thisComp.layer("Controls").position;
delta = cPos[0] - position[0];

p1 = value + [move , 0,0];
p2 = value + [-1* move, 0,0];

ease(delta, -1 * dist , dist, p1, p2)

--In the opacity of each CD Cover:

dist = thisComp.layer("Controls").effect("Transition Distance")("Slider");
cPos = thisComp.layer("Controls").position;
delta = cPos[0] - position[0];
delta = Math.abs(delta);
dist = dist * 3;

ease(delta,0 ,dist, 100, 0)

AE - POSITION How to offset a series of layers using the same trigger

//ngambles- on VideoCoPilot

(pickwhip source value).valueAtTime(time - 1);

--This will get you a one second delay.

(pickwhip source value).valueAtTime(time - thisComp.frameDuration);

--This will get you a two second delay.

(pickwhip source value).valueAtTime(time -2+(thisComp.frameDuration));

--This will get you a one frame delay.
--If you have many layers that will be delayed it may be helpful
to use the 'index' value of each layer:

(pickwhip source value).valueAtTime(time - index * thisComp.frameDuration);

--Each layer will be delayed by one more frame as you move down the layer stack because the index value will be increasing by one each time.

AE - wiggle ONLY positive values

//ngambles- on VideoCoPilot


AE- WIGGLE - Both X and Y dimensions of same value, and separat.

//ngambles- on VideoCoPilot

wig = wiggle(.2,300);


wig1 = wiggle(.2,4);
wig2 = wiggle(6,2);

AE - maxScale and miniScale for layer driven by sound

AE - SCALE maxScale and miniScale for layer driven by sound
Convert music to keyframes with "Keyframe assistent"

//ngambles- on VideoCoPilot

maxScale = 100;
minScale = 50;

val = thisComp.layer("Audio Amplitude").effect("Right Channel")("Slider");
val = Math.min(maxScale,val);
val = Math.max(minScale,val);


onsdag den 27. april 2011

C4D - Doodle Paint, sketch out the motion.


Use the Doodle Paint tool to quickly draw on top of your viewport. Perfect for adding in notes or thoughts along the way, or to pre-viz your keys and timing before doing any heavy lifting. Found under the Tools - Doodle.

C4D - Undo Camera Move

Finaly I found that one.!!

Accidently move the camera? To roll back to your last view you can use Cmnd + Shift + Z (mac) Ctrl + Shift + Z (windows)

C4D - Timeline frame.


Timeline frame.

To move frame by frame on your timeline, Pressing the ‘f’ key will move 1 frame back, pressing the ‘g’ key will move 1 frame forward. Hold down the CTRL(CMD) key while pressing ‘f’ and ‘g’ to jump between keyframes (back or forward). Its a big time saver!

mandag den 21. marts 2011

C4D - Random multi type in


Clean Syntax:

rnd(...) -Random

num - Number

tot - Total






onsdag den 9. marts 2011

AE - De-sync Expressions - snake duplicates

//Sebastian Bap
//On Greyscalegorilla

To make duplicate movements with delay on duplicate layers.

Remember Slider !!

dly=thisComp.layer("Arrows 1").effect("Slider DELAY")("Slider")
thisComp.layer(index +1).transform.position.valueAtTime(time-dly)

Without slider !!
// Dan Ebberts

delayFrames = 3;
delay = framesToTime(delayFrames);

mandag den 7. marts 2011

AE - Dan Ebbert's Expression lab

Dan Ebbert's Expression lab

Bezier Curve

Border Lines


Depth of Field

Inverse Kinematics



Random Grid Movement

Random Lines

Random Motion

Random Pan and Scan

Random Stills


Squash and Stretch

Stutter Frames

Swinging, Flickering Light


Vibrating Strings
AE POSTWORK blog is virtually just a notepad, where I put all the AE expressions up I finde and use, its so I can easily get to them wherever I am and no matter what computer I sit at. I do not write my own expressions, so all expressions on the page is downloaded from the web,or modify versions i found. and tutorials etc.. I will try to credit those who have made expressions if I can.

Now, with tips and tricks for AE & C4D.
No more forgetting the little tricks and tips I found on my road with After Effects, etc.
